- download and print the Puzzlestück The Caring Way in page and/or book view for free
- support the World Council For Health
- finally get some practical things done
- create something out of it yourself – The personalised Caring Way
- use copies for seminars, courses and guidance
- embed the PDF on your own website </>
- share screenshots with friends and followers
- inspire others and share the link
- create your own Caring Way, e.g. for an individual target group
- translate the content into another language
- get in touch if you have the logistical capacity for a 2nd edition as hardcover
- send your feedback gladly at any time
- read here why your support of the World Council For Health paves the way to a #betterworld
The Puzzlestück is open for non-commercial use for anything and anyone who wants to contribute in rooting the vision of a caring way; of a #betterway and let it fly. Only a free bird can fly #spread¡t!
Imagine it would be totally normal to file a Puzzlestück in a caring way as part of our standard paperwork. Imagine we all take care of our own death in the midst of our life and face our own mortality fearlessly. Imagine living in a better world.
The PDF document is interactive. Table of contents, inspirations, doodles, references and sources are linked. With the Adobe function ‘fill in and sign’ you can write entries directly in the document and print it afterwards. It is better not to send your Puzzlestück, packed with personal data, by email, as it would also be possible for a digital recipient to modify your data, which may not be in your best interest.
Decide for yourself where you feel your data is safest. On your PC, on a memory stick, or The Caring Way printed in a sealed envelope in your sock drawer.
I wish you inspiring moments, beautiful thoughts and peace of mind with your Caring Way and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your contribution to the World Council For Health.
I see You in a #betterworld
Antje Grosch